Difference between Karate & Judo and why should you learn them?

Karate and Judo are martial arts of Japanese origin, and both have different characteristics. If you are looking for judo and karate classes near me Florida, you should first know about these martial arts and their differences. In this blog, you will learn about the critical differences between Karate and Judo.

Karate Florida


  • While Judo is a soft martial art mostly connecting the body against a challenger, Karate Florida is a challenging martial art technique where blows land on an opponent’s body.


  • A Karate man takes his energy from mother earth, and he uses it in contradiction of his challenger in the form of blocks and counter assaults. At the same time, in Judo, power is drawn away from the opponent by redirecting it to mother earth by tossing the challenger down. In Judo, the body and its weight and how it is balanced & decide the course of a fight, while in Karate, we use hands to chop and legs to kick at your opponent.


  • Karate is a way of fierce fighting and is quite dramatic, unlike Judo Florida, mainly about grappling. In Karate, on the other hand, the procedure of blocking blows or landing them on to other people or substances (as in smashing boards and objects) looks quite remarkable. It is no wonder that while Judo is not in movies, Karate is the chief of many films. An example is the Karate Kid movies in Hollywood movies.


  • Judo and Karate, in a way, represent two completely different methods towards the art of fighting. In Judo, the stress is not on essential strength or pure force, and it has to do more with a gentle but firm self-protective attitude where a human body and the way it is dignified and balanced. On the other hand, Karate is a linear approach where you confidently block the rival’s actions and attack him vigorously with movements of your hands and legs.




1.      Judo is an easy-going martial art, and Karate can be called a complex martial art where our blows land on a rival’s body


 2. As a sport, Karate includes earning points for every move, kicking, and punching, whereas in Judo, we count points for grappling and throwing your rival as one would do in wrestling.


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